Job Vacancies
Available Position :
- Have experience min.2 years in Slickline field
- Education SMA/SMK Equivalent
- Ability to work in a team and communicate effectively with other members
Job Description
- Installing and retrieving downhole tools, such as packers, bridge plugs, and subsurface safety valves, using the slickline.
- Conducting wellbore cleanouts and other well maintenance activities.
- Performing tests and inspections on oil and gas wells, such as pressure and temperature tests, to ensure they are operating safely and efficiently.
- Monitoring and adjusting downhole tools and equipment during well operations.
- Troubleshooting and repairing problems with the slickline and downhole tools.
- Communicating with other members of the oil and gas team to coordinate and plan well operations.
- Ensuring that all equipment and operations are in compliance with industry regulations and standards.
- Providing training and guidance to other team members on the use of slickline equipment and techniques.
Apabila Anda memenuhi persyaratan diatas segera isi form di link berikut :
*Hanya kandidat qualified yang akan dihubungi. Terima kasih
PT. Truelogs Logistik Asia
PT. Truelogs Geo Energy
PT. Truelogs Energi Borneo
PT. Dimensi Reka Energi
Operasional Office & Workshop Address :
Graha Truelogs
Cikunir Raya Jl. H. Napiah No. 06
Jaka Mulya – Bekasi Selatan 17146
Telp : (021) 824 38539
Fax : (021) 824 38540
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